By Col. David Giammona with Special Guests Tom Sodeika & Lindsey Graham. Unveiling Remarkable Testimonies: Tom Sodeika, CEO of Freedom Square, and Lindsey Graham, Communication Director, Share Jaw-Dropping Stories of Triumph! NRB Special #5. Experience a captivating interview as Col. David Giammona explores the inspiring testimonies and visionary initiatives behind Freedom Square.
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From Communism to Freedom: Tom Sodeika …
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By Col. David Giammona with Special Guests Tom Sodeika & Lindsey Graham. Unveiling Remarkable Testimonies: Tom Sodeika, CEO of Freedom Square, and Lindsey Graham, Communication Director, Share Jaw-Dropping Stories of Triumph! NRB Special #5. Experience a captivating interview as Col. David Giammona explores the inspiring testimonies and visionary initiatives behind Freedom Square.