The Making of a Warrior: An Interview with Col. Scott McChrystal (Part 1) | FrontLine (Episode #17)
By Col. David Giammona, Troy Anderson and Col. Scott McChrystal
On this show, FrontLine hosts Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson interview Col. Scott McChrystal on the topic of "The Making of a Warrior," discussing the former U.S. Army Ranger's experiences in Vietnam, his time as a chaplain for the Assemblies of God, the devotionals he's written and The Warrior Bible, along with Giammona and Andersons's #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Disarming Deception: Battlefield Tactics to Expose the Enemy's Lies and Triumph in Truth.
Find out more about Prophecy Investigators and Giammona and Anderson's first book, the #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times, along with subscribing to the Prophecy Investigators and Battle Ready Ministries newsletters, at:
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Let’s All Pray for Our Beloved Country, America Together
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come forward to Your throne and knee before You. We praise You and Worship You.
We pray You will turn people’s hearts toward Yourself, and that You will be glorified in the outcome of the upcoming general election. We pray that God’s people, Your people will demonstrate a spirit of repentance and prayer--individually and corporately.
Father God, We pray that You will raise up righteous leaders who will model integrity and authenticity. We pray that Americans will see their spiritual poverty; that our nation’s citizens will awaken to their great spiritual need. We pray that godly men and women will be placed in positions of authority so that God’s people can rejoice.
We pray that leaders we elect will be just, fear God rather than men, and depart from evil, that citizens will seek wise leaders who listen to biblical counsel. They will vote with wisdom and discretion, that people will be able to see truth, error will be exposed, and people with wicked agendas will be made weak.
Father God, we pray that Christians will speak the truth, but in love, concerning those running for office. All Christians will avoid negativity, fault-finding, and contentiousness, but instead, will stand out as God’s loving, pure children.
We pray for truth in the media and all our brother and sister in-christ will put their confidence in God, rather than any political candidate. We pray that Christians will look to God to overcome the enemies of truth and righteousness. We pray that those who love righteousness and truth will fulfill their responsibility to vote and God will work through leaders to keep the doors open for His Gospel to be proclaimed.
Father God, we pray for Your will to be accomplished in the elections. We repent for our sin and for the sins of the nation. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on this upcoming election. Thank You for hearing our prayers and answer them. Thank you for you love for us and our nation, America.
In Jesus’ holy name we humbly pray together, hand in hand, Amen.