Editor’s Note: Happy Fourth of July! We pray you and your family enjoy Independence Day. In honor of this day, we’ve prepared an inspirational Prophecy Investigators’ video featuring what the Bible has to say about freedom and liberty. Watch it here: https://youtube.com/shorts/RPr1HZKTrNc?feature=share
That Christianity in America has come under increased criticism and even persecution should come as no surprise. The Bible assures us that in the last days opponents of Christianity will step up their efforts to stamp out faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, enemies of the Cross have had considerable success in attempting to remove religion from the public sector.
Friends, this is no time to cower in fear or bow to the tenets of political correctness. It is certainly no time to be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And yet, too many pastors, churches, organizations, and individual Christians are caving under the pressure, whether by remaining silent or by proclaiming such a diluted gospel as to have zero effect.
The Military Guide to Disarming Deception
Time is running out. Are you ready? The Military Guide to Disarming Deception by Col. David Giammona and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson.
The Apostle Paul was thoroughly familiar with persecution, but he refused to waver. Writing to Christians in Rome he penned these words: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16, NIV). Paul was later martyred for his faith in Jesus.
Our nation and the world are in a mess. The Judeo-Christian values and beliefs upon which our country was founded are under attack. The only hope for America and the world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is no time for retreat.
When you face harassment or persecution for the cause of Christ, how will you respond?
In September 2015, the administration for public schools in Roanoke, Virginia, received two complaints about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and its participation with public school football. The result? The FCA was barred from operating in the public schools. The Roanoke County superintendent stated, “Roanoke County Schools believes in the separation of church and state. We want to maintain and ensure that that practice is being followed.”
The Military Guide to Armageddon
Get the #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon by Col. Giammona and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson.
Two complaints coupled with total ignorance regarding what the separation of church and state really means was enough to end FCA participation with Roanoke public schools. Fortunately, FCA chapters across America and around the world continue to thrive. Thousands of young athletes have committed their lives to Jesus since FCA’s founding in 1954.
As a contrasting example, I remember some years ago when my wife was serving as the faculty advisor to FCA in the high school where she taught. She asked her principal for permission to invite a Christian mime group to minister at an upcoming FCA meeting. Squirming in his chair, the principal finally relented and granted permission, but not without a stern warning. He told her that if he received even one complaint about the group, he would shut down FCA. He meant every word.
The Military Guide To Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Study Guide
Order The Military Guide To Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Study Guide by Col. David Giammona and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson.
The result? When the mime group performed the following week, the classroom where the meeting occurred couldn’t contain all the students who wanted to attend. Some had to watch from outside the room. The event served as a catalyst for more students to attend FCA meetings. Lives were touched, and God was glorified.
Friends, I encourage you stand up for the Gospel. It doesn’t take a huge effort, but it does take spiritual backbone. It requires courage.
Order The Military Guide to Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Leader's Guide by Col. David Giammona and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson.
Just remember that as a Christian, you are Christ’s ambassador.
“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:15, NIV).
Chaplain (Col.) Scott McChrystal, Ret.
Chaplain (Col.) Scott McChrystal was commissioned in 1970 and served 31 years on active duty, 10 as an infantry officer and the remainder as a United States Army chaplain. His line officer experience included a tour in Vietnam as an Infantry Platoon Leader and three assignments with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
His final assignment was as the senior chaplain at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York.
He retired from active duty in 2005 and served as the Military/VA Representative and Endorser within the Chaplaincy Department for the General Council of the Assemblies of God from 2005-2019.
His decorations and awards include the Distinguished Service Award, the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the Master Parachutist Badge, and the Army Ranger Tab. His education includes a Master of Business Administration Degree, a Master of Divinity Degree, a Doctor of Ministry Degree, and graduation from The United States Army War College.
In recent years, he and his wife have written several Christian devotionals. In addition, Scott co-authored a Christian action-novel and served as the managing editor for the The Warrior’s Bible, an application Bible for the military community.
He presently serves as the Executive Liaison for The Warrior’s Journey, a non-profit organization that supports the military community.
He’s also a member of the Distinguished Advisory Board for Battle Ready Ministries. He and his wife, Judy, live in Springfield, Missouri, and have 4 children and 12 grandchildren.
Prophecy Investigators’ Bestselling Books
Read an excerpt and order the #1 bestseller Trumpocalypse by Paul McGuire and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson.
Read an excerpt and order the #1 bestseller The Babylon Code by Paul McGuire and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson.
Our gift to you:
Become fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare! In The Military Guide to Armageddon, Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson and Col. David Giammona help you and your family counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces and develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power, protection and provision of the Holy Spirit.
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Troy Anderson
Founder and Editor in Chief
Prophecy Investigators
14271 Jeffrey Road, #257
Irvine, CA 92620