How to Help Your Children Disarm the Devil's No. 1 Tactic - Deception | Pastor Paul Begley's The Coming Apocalypse with Guests Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
By Troy Anderson
On The Coming Apocalypse, Pastor Paul Begley interviews Col. David Giammona and Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson about their #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Disarming Deception (releasing worldwide August 9), asking if deception is the No. 1 tool Lucifer is using to deceive our children. Col. Giammona and Anderson’s interview begins at minute 54:45
Remember to sign up Pastor Paul Begley’s Youtube Channel, so you won’t miss his exciting breaking news videos.
Pastor Paul Begley’s The Coming Apocalypse - Breaking: New York City Prepares Citizens for the Apocalypse – Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
Pastor Paul Begley
Pastor Paul’s gifting lies in evangelizing and Bible prophecy. By the grace of God, thousands have come to Jesus Christ through this ministry.
A fourth generational preacher, following after his father, grandmother and great grandfather, who was blessed to be a part of the Azusa Street Revivals.
Pastor Paul was ordained by Dr. Lester Sumrall in the LeSEA organization of South Bend Indiana and studied at Indiana Christian University as well as under Pastor Charles Begley at the Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox, IN.
Pastor Paul caught the world's attention with the revelation of the Hosea Prophecy and Texas Blood Lake; which has been featured in Time magazine, CNN and many mainstream networks and magazines.
As an evangelist, Paul holds revivals across America and internationally. Paul has held crusades as far away as Orissa, India.
Pastor Paul has pastored for the last three decades in the Starke County area of Indiana and currently co-pastors with his father, Charles Begley, at the Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox, IN. Pastor Paul also sings praise and worship and has recorded gospel CDs called "Pastor Paul Begley Country Gospel”, ”Wayfaring Stranger” and “The Journey”. Find out more at
Prophecy Investigators’ Books and Study Guides
The Military Guide to Disarming Deception
Deception Surrounds Us—Are You Battle Ready? Order the #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Disarming Deception by Col. David Giammona and Prophecy Investigators' Founder Troy Anderson. It will be released August 9.
The Military Guide to Armageddon
Are you and your family ready for the end times? Read the #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson.
The Military Guide To Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Study Guide
Is your small group "Battle Ready”? Get The Military Guide To Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Study Guide by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson.
The Military Guide to Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Leader's Guide
Would you like to help your small group or church learn how to walk in the supernatural power and provision of the Holy Spirit? Get The Military Guide To Armageddon: Basic Training Manual Leader's Guide by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson.
Uncover the truth behind the attacks against America and Christianity. Get the #1 bestseller Trumpocalypse by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson.
Crack the End-Times Code! Order the #1 bestseller The Babylon Code by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson.
Do you have a compelling idea for a bestselling book? Contact Inspire Literary Group Founder Troy Anderson to discuss the concept. His team can help you write and edit your book, and potentially land a publishing deal with a “Big Five” or mid-sized publishing house. Find out more at
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Become fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare! In The Military Guide to Armageddon, Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson and Col. David Giammona help you and your family counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces and develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power, protection and provision of the Holy Spirit.
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Troy Anderson
Founder and Editor in Chief
Prophecy Investigators
14271 Jeffrey Road, #257
Irvine, CA 92620