Has a Hidden Religion Dominated the Power Spheres of the World? Part II
Paul McGuire, Prophecy Expert and Bestselling Author
In the second of a four-part series, internationally recognized prophecy expert and bestselling author Paul McGuire explores the secret history of occult societies, why they are attempting to thwart God’s plan for an end-times ‘Great Awakening,’ and what believers must do at this critical hour.
Today, history repeats itself and the teachings of the German schools of higher criticism — such as the Frankfurt School, a school of social theory and critical philosophy associated with the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University Frankfurt — are in full bloom within America’s theological institutions today, such as evangelical seminaries, Christian colleges, universities, denominations, and ministries.
Students in pursuit of a truly biblical education are systematically having their belief in the Bible stripped from them and are becoming powerless spiritually. Once again, at the exact same time, reputable polls are telling us that witchcraft, Wicca, secular humanism, and atheism are the fastest growing religions in America.
The Achilles heel, or crack in the door, that has allowed this powerful spiritual deception inside the Church is the non-biblical belief in acquiring knowledge in a full spectrum of intellectual disciplines, but not applying a truly biblical worldview to these disciplines.
It is only when God’s people have knowledge in the full spectrum of life from a truly biblical worldview, along being filled supernaturally with power from on high, that Bible-believing Christians can engage in a multi-dimensional spiritual battle that enables the Christian spiritual warrior to rule and reign as God intended.
With this kind of multi-dimensional “full spectrum dominance,” we can win spiritual battles and be used by God to bring about a truly biblical Fourth Great Awakening which can only be realized by an “awakening” of the mind, intellect and enhanced knowledge, along with the knowledge of God’s Word, while walking in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.