Has a Hidden Religion Dominated the Power Spheres of the World? Part 1
Paul McGuire, Prophecy Expert and Bestselling Author
In the first of a four-part series, internationally recognized prophecy expert and bestselling author Paul McGuire explores the secret history of occult societies, why they are attempting to thwart God’s plan for an end-times ‘Great Awakening,’ and what believers must do at this critical hour.
By Paul McGuire
Most people don’t know about the great spiritual battle for America beginning in the 1600s, when both Bible-believing Pilgrims and Puritans sailed to America from Europe.
At the same time, occult Freemasons along with Rosicrucian’s sailed to America, pretending to be Pilgrims and Puritans, under the direction of Sir Francis Bacon, one of the world’s most powerful intellectuals and occultists.
It was Bacon who coined the term, “knowledge is power.” Unlike today, at that time in history, Bible-believing Christians like the Pilgrims and Puritans were both powerful spiritually and intellectually. As a culture they emphasized knowledge, not just of the Bible, but applied a robust Biblical worldview to science, advanced mathematics, physics, biology, government, politics, philosophy, history, culture, and the arts.
Due to the fact that both the minds, intellects and spirits of the Pilgrims and Puritans were wide awake, the Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe was able to trust them to bring about a First Great Awakening which not only allowed the Holy Spirit to be poured out in great power on the thirteen colonies, but allowed for a rich intellectual and theological foundation upon which our constitutional freedoms and Bill of Rights could be secured, so that God’s future prophetic plan for America could be fulfilled in the last days.
The great spiritual battle for America was taking place in both the heavenlies and intellectually in the minds of our Founding Fathers, Pilgrims and Puritans. Unlike today’s evangelical Christians, the Pilgrims and Puritans understood the importance of history, science, philosophy, economics and possessed a deep Biblical theology.
Many of today’s evangelical Christians, who have little or no knowledge of history, science, art, culture, philosophy, government and economics, are ill prepared for the most intense spiritual warfare mankind has ever experienced today at the end of the age.
The Pilgrims and Puritans understood that if you were to have a truly authentic and Biblical Great Awakening, that it must consist of an “awakening” of the intellect and mind, along with a spiritual “awakening” produced by the Spirit of God.
Noah’s Flood and the Tower of Babel