40 Days to Save America | Troy Anderson: The Trump Code and Trump as America’s Last President with LIFE Today Live and Charisma Media | President Grover Cleveland’s Thanksgiving Proclamation | Day 32
By Troy Anderson, Founder of Prophecy Investigators
Prophecy Investigators' News is a reader-supported publication founded by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson. If you enjoy our articles and videos, consider becoming a paid subscriber. You will receive access to read in-depth articles, watch exclusive interviews and partner in our prophetic mission.
Day 32: Trusting God's Promises Amid Uncertainty - Please share today’s story.
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV):
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Dear Friends,
On Day 32 of our "40 Days to Save America" campaign of prayer, fasting and repentance, we are reminded that God’s promises are our source of strength, especially when the future seems uncertain. The world around us may be filled with turmoil, but our faith assures us that God is in control. His promises give us hope when fear tries to take hold and peace when chaos surrounds us. Today, let us anchor ourselves in His Word, trusting that He is with us in every storm and that His purposes for our nation will prevail.
Special Feature #1: My Interviews on The Trump Code and Trump as America’s Last President with LIFE Today Live and Charisma Media
As part of our 40 Days to Save America campaign, I’m excited to share two interviews where I dive deep into my latest book, The Trump Code, and explore the intriguing possibility that Donald Trump is prophesied as America’s last president. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to LIFE Today TV and Charisma Media for helping get this critical message out.
In my first interview, “Trump Time Travel – Troy Anderson on LIFE Today Live,”hosted by Randy Robison, I discuss the mysterious Baron Trump novels written by Ingersoll Lockwood in the 1890s and the striking parallels to our modern era. From the mysteries of time to prophetic insights, we explore the connections between Lockwood’s works, Donald Trump’s presidency, and what they could mean for America’s future. We also touch on Nikola Tesla’s influence and the prophetic nature of The Trump Code. This is a conversation you don’t want to miss.
In my second interview, “Is This 1896 Book Prophesying Trump as America’s Last President?” on Charisma Media, we go further into the connections between Lockwood’s writings and today’s political landscape. I delve into how the Baron Trumpseries and its eerie parallels to current events could be foreshadowing what lies ahead, particularly in the context of the 2024 election. This interview also touches on Tesla, time mysteries, and the spiritual awakening that’s emerging with Trump’s presidency.
Read or listen to a free excerpt from Revelation Watchers Co-Founder Troy Anderson’s #1 bestseller The Trump Code (Charisma House/FrontLine, September 17, 2024).
Both of these interviews are part of a larger effort to awaken the body of Christ to the spiritual and political significance of this moment in history. As Election Day draws near, I encourage you to watch these interviews, reflect on the message, and join us in our mission to save America through prayer, action, and voting. Subscribe to Revelation Watchers on YouTube now! Please share, like, and comment to help us spread the message. Thank you.
📺 📺 Video #1: Watch Trump Time Travel - Troy Anderson on LIFE Today Live
📺 📺 Video #2: Watch Is This 1896 Book Prophesying Trump as America’s Last President? | Ingersoll Lockwood’s Baron Trump Trilogy with Troy Anderson
Special Feature #2: A Gift as Part of Our "40 Days to Save America" Initiative
We are thrilled to share a very special gift from our Brother-in-Christ, Bill Siegel: his thought-provoking booklet, Trump and the War Against the Babelists. Bill Siegel has graciously offered a free download of this booklet for our cherished community. We believe this insightful read will be a blessing to you and provide valuable perspectives on the real-world and spiritual battles we are facing during this critical time.
In Trump and the War Against the Babelists, Siegel delves into the intense and multifaceted struggles surrounding President Donald Trump’s political journey, including Trump’s potential connection to the biblical figure Job, enduring relentless trials and tribulations for a greater purpose.
Siegel’s short booklet explores the spiritual and ideological battle he believes is at the heart of Trump’s story, pitting him against the “Babelists”—those who, like the builders of the Tower of Babel, seek to challenge divine authority and establish global control. The booklet addresses themes of faith, power struggles, and the enduring clash between those who seek to uphold America’s spiritual foundations and those who advocate for a new world order. Through this lens, Trump and the War Against the Babelists offers a unique interpretation of contemporary political events, placing them in the context of a timeless spiritual struggle.
We hope you will take advantage of this generous offer as we join together during these 40 days, seeking God’s guidance and strength for America’s future.
📚🌐🔮Visit here and Claim your free ebooklet
Call to Action:
Here’s how we can put our trust into action today:
Read and Reflect on God’s Promises: Spend time meditating on the promises found in Scripture, such as Isaiah 41:10 and Psalm 91.
Pray Against Fear: Ask God to replace any anxiety or fear with His peace. Pray this not only for yourself but also for our leaders and fellow citizens.
Encourage Others: Share God’s promises with someone who may be struggling. Your words could be the reminder they need today.
Daily Prayer for Trust in God’s Promises
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for Your unfailing promises that give us hope and strength. When we face uncertainty, remind us that You are our refuge and help. Uphold us with Your righteous hand and grant us the peace that surpasses all understanding. We pray for our nation’s leaders and citizens, that they would turn to You for guidance and strength. Help us to trust in Your divine plan, knowing that Your promises are true and You are always faithful.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Watch These Videos for Continued Spiritual Strength
Prayer Power: Repentance and Revival | Pray for 40 Days
📺 📺 Watch: Prayer Power: Repentance and Revival | Pray for 40 Days
Psalm 91 Prayer: A Powerful Blessing for Protection and Peace Over Your Home
📺 📺 Watch: Psalm 91 Prayer: A Powerful Blessing for Protection
Do you have an idea for an inspirational book? Contact Inspire Literary Group founder and six-time #1 bestselling author Troy Anderson for a free consultation. Find out more about our editorial services and ghostwriting company at www.inspireliterary.com. Our team consists of a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter, along with other bestselling ghostwriters/coauthors/collaborators, professional editors, literary agents, entertainment attorneys, and filmmakers.
Your Ultimate Mission Briefing. As the enemy wages war against the Lord's army and the world hurls toward the Second Coming of Christ, God has a unique Kingdom deployment for each of us. Discover more in Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson’s new book Your Mission in God’s Army (Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group, April 16, 2024).
Presidential Reflections: A Call to Prayer and Repentance
Each day, we draw inspiration from historical figures who called the nation to prayer and repentance during times of great challenge. Today, I’m reflecting on President Grover Cleveland, who, in 1894, issued a Proclamation for Thanksgiving Day. In this powerful message, Cleveland reminded the nation of the importance of gratitude, charity, and humility before God.
In his proclamation, Cleveland declared:
The American people should gratefully render thanksgiving and praise to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, who has watched over them with kindness and fostering care during the year that has passed.
He called upon the people to express their thanks for the blessings of preservation, prosperity, and health that God had bestowed upon the nation. Cleveland also emphasized the need for prayer, stating that we must approach God with humility and ask for continued blessings as we recognize His goodness in our national life.
Cleveland’s reflection on the nation's "quickened conscience" serves as a timeless reminder that we must turn our hearts toward righteousness, seeking God's approval not only through prayer but through acts of charity and care for the poor and needy. As he said,
Surely He who has given us comfort and plenty will look upon our relief of the destitute and our ministrations of charity as the work of hearts truly grateful.
As we reflect on President Cleveland’s words, may we remember that our gratitude to God is shown not only in words but in deeds. Let us seek His guidance in our daily lives, showing our thanks through acts of kindness and care for those less fortunate.
By President Grover Cleveland, 24th President of the United States: 1893 ‐ 1897
Daily President’s Prayer: President Grover Cleveland’s Proclamation 370—Thanksgiving Day, November 01, 1894
A Proclamation
The American people should gratefully render thanksgiving and praise to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, who has watched over them with kindness and fostering care during the year that has passed; they should also with humility and faith supplicate the Father of All Mercies for continued blessings according to their needs, and they should by deeds of charity seek the favor of the Giver of Every Good and Perfect Gift.
Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, president of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart Thursday, the 29th day of November instant, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to be kept and observed by all the people of the land.
On that day let our ordinary work and business be suspended and let us meet in our accustomed places of worship and give thanks to Almighty God for our preservation as a nation, for our immunity from disease and pestilence, for the harvests that have rewarded our husbandry, for a renewal of national prosperity, and for every advance in virtue and intelligence that has marked our growth as a people.
And with our thanksgiving let us pray that these blessings may be multiplied unto us, that our national conscience may be quickened to a better recognition of the power and goodness of God, and that in our national life we may clearer see and closer follow the path of righteousness.
And in our places of worship and praise, as well as in the happy reunions of kindred and friends on that day, let us invoke divine approval by generously remembering the poor and needy. Surely He who has given us comfort and plenty will look upon our relief of the destitute and our ministrations of charity as the work of hearts truly grateful and as proofs of the sincerity of our thanksgiving.
Witness my hand and the seal of the United States, which I have caused to be hereto affixed.
Done at the city of Washington on the 1st day of November, A.D. 1894, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and nineteenth.
By the President:
Secretary of State
.You can view the full text of the proclamation on the American Presidency Project: President Grover Cleveland’s Proclamation 370—Thanksgiving Day, November 01, 1894
You can also find The prayer in an excerpt from Dr. Larry Keefauver’s Prayers of the Presidents for further reflection.
A riveting account of current events as foretold in the mysterious Book of Revelation. Are we teetering on the edge of the end of time? Read a free excerpt from Revelation Watchers Co-Founders Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson’s #1 bestseller Revelation 911.
Explore Deeper Insights: Recommended Bible Prophecy and Christian Living Books
🔮Troy's Treasury Gazette: Explore Enlightening Reads🔮
Before we conclude, I encourage you to explore my bestselling Bible Prophecy and Christian Living books, written by me or co-authored with Pastor Paul Begley, Col. David Giammona, and Dr. Paul McGuire. These include:
The Trump Code – by Troy Anderson
Revelation 911 – by Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson
Your Mission in God's Army – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
The Military Guide to Disarming Deception – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
The Military Guide to Armageddon – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
Trumpocalypse – by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson
The Babylon Code – by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson
Join the 40 Days to Save America: Sign Up for Daily Prayers, Encouragement, and Insightful Resources for a Nation at a Critical Crossroads
For more details about the list below and to sign up visit here: 40 Days to Save America: A Critical Moment for Our Nation.
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Perseverance is a key part of the Christian journey. Today, as we pray and intercede for America, let’s commit ourselves to staying faithful and patient, knowing that God is at work even when we cannot see it. Together, let us press on with joy, hope, and unwavering trust in the Lord.
Thank you for your dedication and for standing with us. May God bless and guide you and your family as we persevere together, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.
In Christ’s Service,
Troy Anderson
Pulitzer Prize-Nominated Journalist / Bestselling Author
Founder of Prophecy Investigators
Co-Founder of Revelation Watchers
Founder of the Inspire Literary Group
Author of The Trump Code, Revelation 911 and Your Mission in God’s Army