40 Days to Save America | Charisma News: What Happens When Christians Don’t Vote | Tucker Carlson's Rally Speech Debut | President Andrew Johnson’s Proclamation: A Day of Fasting for Lincoln | Day 31
By Troy Anderson, Founder of Prophecy Investigators
Prophecy Investigators' News is a reader-supported publication founded by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson. If you enjoy our articles and videos, consider becoming a paid subscriber. You will receive access to read in-depth articles, watch exclusive interviews and partner in our prophetic mission.
Day 31: Strength in Unity and Love
- John 13:34-35 (NIV):
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Dear Friends,
Today, on Day 31 of our "40 Days to Save America" campaign of prayer, fasting and repentance, we turn our attention to unity and love—the cornerstone of a healthy nation. As followers of Christ, we are called to demonstrate love, even in the face of division and disagreement. America needs a revival not just of prayer but of compassion, understanding, and unity. When we extend love to our neighbors, we reflect God’s heart and bring healing to our communities. Let us commit ourselves to being instruments of peace, standing strong in love amidst the challenges of our time.
Special Feature #1: Why Your Vote Matters – A Call to Action for Christians Ahead of the 2024 Election
As the 2024 election draws near, I’ve been reflecting on the profound consequences when Christians choose not to vote. The Bible is clear that we’re called to engage in the world around us and stand for truth. In my new article for Charisma News, I explore the spiritual and political ramifications of this critical decision. Drawing from Scripture, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, and insights from my books, the #1 bestsellers The Trump Code and Revelation 911, I’ll show you why our vote is not just a right—it’s a responsibility. With so many Christians considering sitting out this election, I’m urging all of us to rise up, take action, and shape the future of our nation.
Charisma News - What Happens When Christians Fail to Vote
By Troy Anderson
As the 2024 election approaches, I find myself reflecting deeply on the state of our nation and the role we, as Christians, are called to play in shaping its future.
The Bible is filled with wisdom about the responsibilities of believers—principles that not only guide our personal lives but also inform how we engage with the broader culture. One of the most vital ways we engage is through the right and responsibility to vote.
What happens when Christians fail to vote? What happens when we neglect this God-given opportunity to influence our nation for good? The consequences are profound, both spiritually and politically, as history and Scripture have taught us time and again.
As Election Day on Nov. 5 approaches, a significant shift is taking place that could determine not just the political outcome, but also the very future of our nation.
Recent research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, led by Dr. George Barna, reveals a startling trend: Millions of Christians—many of whom have traditionally supported conservative values—may choose to stay home on Election Day. According to the study, only 51% of people of faith plan to vote in the upcoming election.
This is more than a matter of political preference; it’s a critical moment that could alter the course of history. As I explore in my latest books, The Trump Code and Revelation 911, the decisions made in this election will have profound implications not only for America’s political landscape but for the unfolding of biblical prophecy. The research found that as many as 104 million people of faith are unlikely to vote in this upcoming election—and among those, 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church won’t cast ballots.
To read or listen to a free excerpt from Troy Anderson’s new book the #1 bestseller, The Trump Code (Charisma House/FrontLine, September 17), visit Amazon.com.
A Biblical Mandate: Occupying Until He Comes
The Bible commands us to be engaged in the world around us, to stand for truth, justice and righteousness. One of the verses that have continually resonated with me is Luke 19:13c (KJV), where Jesus tells His followers to “occupy till I come.” This command isn’t passive; it calls us to be actively involved in every sphere of life—including politics.
Over the years, my co-author Paul McGuire and I have reflected on this verse often, particularly during the writing of our #1 FaithWords/Hachette Book Group bestseller The Babylon Code. During countless conversations, we would remind each other, “Occupy the land until Jesus returns.” Whether through evangelism or by using our God-given voices in the political arena, this Scripture has always been at the heart of our mission.
We are called to be watchmen—standing firm, sounding the alarm and refusing to let moral decay go unchallenged. When we fail to vote, we neglect this biblical command, allowing darkness to advance unopposed in our society.
A Lesson From the Book of Judges: When Leadership Fails, Chaos Reigns
The Bible offers many warnings about what happens when God’s people fail to lead. The book of Judges provides a stark example of this. After the death of Joshua, a new generation arose that “did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel” (Judg. 2:10b, MEV). Without godly leadership, Israel fell into cycles of idolatry, oppression and moral decay. Only when they cried out to God did He raise up judges to deliver them.
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This biblical pattern should serve as a wake-up call for us today. When Christians fail to engage in the political process, ungodly leaders take the reins, and society suffers the consequences. We see it in the breakdown of moral values, the erosion of religious freedom and the rise of corruption. Just as the Israelites suffered under poor leadership, so too will America if we neglect our God-given responsibility to vote and uphold righteousness in our nation.
The Sacrifices Made for Our Right to Vote
It’s important to remember that the right to vote—something many of us take for granted—did not come without great sacrifice. The privilege we have today to choose our leaders was born out of the blood, sweat and tears of those who fought for freedom. From the American Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement, countless men and women have given their lives so we could have a voice in how we are governed.
When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, they knew they were taking a stand against tyranny, risking their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. They fought for the principle that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This fight for freedom continued in the centuries that followed, as women, African Americans and other marginalized groups struggled to gain the right to vote. The sacrifices made by these brave individuals should never be forgotten. By failing to vote, we dishonor their memory.
Learning From America’s Founding Fathers
The wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers offers additional insight into the importance of Christian engagement in civic life. George Washington famously said,
It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.
Washington and many of the founders believed that the health of our republic depended on a moral and religious people who understood their duty to uphold righteousness.
John Adams emphasized this truth when he said,
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Adams understood that without the guiding light of faith, a nation would eventually fall into chaos and corruption.
When people give up their right to vote, they abandon their responsibility to safeguard the moral fabric of the nation.
Thomas Jefferson similarly believed in the importance of active engagement, warning that,
An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.
He feared that if citizens did not exercise their rights, including the right to vote, tyranny would once again take root.
These Founding Fathers recognized that freedom and self-governance depend on the participation of a moral and engaged public. Benjamin Franklin, when asked what kind of government they had created, famously replied,
A republic, if you can keep it.
Franklin’s words remind us that our freedoms, including the right to vote, are not guaranteed—they must be actively preserved.
The Trump Code: Prophecy and America’s Future
In my latest book, The Trump Code, I delve into the intersection of prophecy, politics and America’s future. Donald Trump’s presidency has brought forth a pivotal moment in history, raising questions about America’s role in God’s end-time plan. The spiritual and political battles we are witnessing today are not just about policy—they are about the soul of the nation.
The Trump Code explores the prophetic significance of Trump’s leadership and how his presidency is contributing to a broader spiritual awakening across the country. For many Christians, his presidency represents a fight to restore biblical values in America. As we approach the 2024 election, the stakes could not be higher. This is not just another election; it is a defining moment in the history of our nation, one that could determine whether America continues to stand as a beacon of freedom or falls into deeper moral chaos.
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A Historical Warning: Silence in the Face of Evil
History shows us the devastating consequences of silence. One of the most sobering examples is Nazi Germany. When many in the church chose to remain silent, it allowed Adolf Hitler’s regime to rise to power, leading to unspeakable atrocities. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor who stood against the Nazis, famously said,
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Edmund Burke also warned,
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
These lessons from history remind us that when Christians fail to speak up—whether through words or actions—evil prevails. Voting is one of the most tangible ways we can stand against the forces of darkness. By refusing to vote, we allow those who do not share our biblical values to dictate the future of our nation.
The Parable of the Talents: Accountability for Our Actions
Jesus’ Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30) teaches us about stewardship and accountability. In this story, a master entrusts his servants with different amounts of money while he is away. When he returns, he rewards those who used their resources wisely but condemns the servant who buried his talent and did nothing with it. This parable underscores a key truth: We are accountable for how we use the opportunities and resources God has given us.
In America, one of the greatest resources we have is the right to vote. If we fail to exercise this right, we are like the servant who buried his talent. We will be held accountable not only for the votes we cast but also for the votes we failed to cast. By neglecting our duty to vote, we squander the opportunity to influence the nation for good.
A Call to Action: Voting as a Moral Obligation
As we continue on our 40 Days to Save America campaign of prayer, fasting and repentance from Sept. 26-Nov. 5, I urge every Christian to recognize the importance of voting in this critical election. Our votes are not just political actions—they are declarations of our faith. We are called to be salt and light in a world that is increasingly dark and chaotic. Part of that calling is to stand up for biblical principles, even when it is uncomfortable or unpopular.
The Bible is clear: We are to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Mic. 6:8). Voting is one of the ways we can seek justice in our society, defending the sanctity of life, protecting religious freedom and ensuring that our nation remains aligned with God’s purposes.
If every Christian in America rises up and votes in alignment with biblical values, we will see a profound shift. The Republican Party, led by President Donald Trump, and leaders like J.D. Vance would win in a landslide. This would not just be a political victory; it would be a moral and spiritual victory that could realign America with God’s plan, bringing the nation back to its founding principles.
Conclusion: The Time Is Now
The question before us is clear: Will we rise to the occasion and stand for righteousness, or will we sit on the sidelines as our nation drifts further into moral decay? The Bible and history have both warned us about the dangers of apathy and silence. As Christians, we are called to be active participants in God’s kingdom here on earth. Part of that participation is exercising our right to vote—a right that countless men and women before us sacrificed to secure.
As we reflect during our 40 Days to Save America campaign, learning from past presidents and the Founding Fathers, we see that our nation was built on biblical principles and the sacrifices of those who came before us. It’s now up to us to honor that legacy by using our voice, standing for truth and voting to ensure that America remains a land of freedom, faith and justice.
📺 📺 Watch What Happens If Christians Don't Vote? | The Trump Code | A Call to Action by Troy Anderson. Please subscribe, share, like, and comment to help us spread the message. Thank you.
A riveting account of current events as foretold in the mysterious Book of Revelation. Are we teetering on the edge of the end of time? Discover more in Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson’s #1 bestseller Revelation 911.
Special Feature #2: Tucker Carlson Unleashes on Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the Democratic Machine at Georgia Trump Rally | Troy Anderson Reflects on The Trump Code and 40 Days to Save America
As we continue our 40 Days to Save America campaign, it’s crucial to highlight the voices that are fearlessly standing up for truth in these turbulent times. Recently, Tucker Carlson took the stage at a massive Trump rally in Georgia, delivering one of the most impactful and fiery speeches I've seen in a while. It was clear from the moment he started speaking that this wasn’t just another political commentary—it was a wake-up call.
For years, Tucker has been a trusted voice in exposing the lies and manipulation from the media and political establishment. But what he said at this rally, in front of thousands of dedicated Trump supporters, was something else entirely. His words were a resounding defense of what America truly stands for, a call to prayer for all of us who believe in the founding principles of this great nation.
Tucker kicked off his speech by reminding everyone that, despite being a seasoned journalist who's covered countless political rallies, this was the first time he’s ever spoken at one. He shared his disbelief at standing on the same stage as Bobby Kennedy Jr., drawing an amusing comparison between the patriotic crowd in Georgia and Kamala Harris campaigning in a half-empty union hall somewhere else. The contrast couldn’t have been more stark.
What stood out most to me was Tucker’s passionate belief that Donald Trump’s upcoming victory would be more than just a political win—it would be a triumph of the human spirit. He painted a powerful picture of how Trump has faced the most relentless attacks, indictments, and attempts to bring him down, yet continues to stand tall, undeterred. As someone who has closely followed Trump’s rise and the extraordinary challenges he’s faced, as Paul McGuire and I wrote about in our #1 FaithWords/Hachette Book Group bestseller Trumpocalypse, I couldn’t agree more. It’s not just about one man—it’s about all of us standing against a corrupt system that seeks to control us.
Tucker wasn’t shy in pointing out the absurdities of today’s political landscape, describing how figures like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz—individuals he wouldn’t trust to babysit—are at the forefront of the Democratic machine. He exposed the weak, conformist culture within the Democratic Party, contrasting it with the strong, resilient spirit of the average American who has been tirelessly working, paying taxes, and sacrificing for the good of this nation.
His praise for Elon Musk, whom he credited with single-handedly saving the First Amendment, was especially notable. It’s rare to hear a figure like Musk, a billionaire with so much to lose, being championed for his willingness to stand up for free speech in the face of overwhelming pressure. Carlson emphasized that Musk’s stance is a reflection of the shifting tides—Americans are tired of being silenced, and they’re no longer afraid to speak up.
As Carlson continued, he zeroed in on the real heart of the matter: the people of this country. He pointed out that the so-called “freaks and misfits” that the media claims support Trump are actually the backbone of America—law-abiding, hard-working citizens who love their country and want to preserve its values. This couldn’t be more accurate. The very people who are painted as extremists by the media are the same ones who have built this nation and continue to sustain it.
His speech wasn’t just a commentary on the state of our politics—it was a rallying cry. He called out the hypocrisy of the establishment, the moral decay of the Democratic Party, and the blatant lies they continue to push. He reminded us that as Christians and patriots, we have a responsibility to stand up, fight back, and reclaim the America that our forefathers built.
In these critical days leading up to the election, I encourage everyone to heed Tucker’s words. This isn’t just another election—it’s a battle for the soul of our nation. As I explore in The Trump Code and Revelation 911, we are at a pivotal moment in history. The decisions we make today will not only determine the outcome of this election but will shape the future of America for generations to come.
As part of the 40 Days to Save America campaign, we are calling on all Christians to rise up, pray, and take action. Just as Tucker said, this is the moment where we say “enough.” We cannot stand idly by while our freedoms are stripped away and our values eroded. We must take a stand for truth, justice, and righteousness.
I want to thank Tucker Carlson for his boldness, his clarity, and his unwavering commitment to exposing the truth. And I want to encourage each of you to continue fighting the good fight. If we come together, pray, and act, I believe we will see a great victory on Election Day—a victory for freedom, a victory for America, and a victory for the Kingdom of God.
📺 📺 Watch Tucker Carlson’s Debut Fiery Speech at Georgia Trump Rally: The Trump Code & 40 Days to Save America
Watch Tucker Carlson’s full speech, and let’s continue this journey together as we fight to save America.
📺 📺 Watch Tucker Carlson Goes Absolutely Nuclear On Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, And More At Georgia Trump Event
Call to Action:
Today, let us be intentional in spreading unity and love:
Reach Out to Someone: Call or text someone you’ve lost touch with and offer words of encouragement.
Practice Forgiveness: Let go of any lingering bitterness or resentment, knowing that forgiveness paves the way for unity.
Join in Prayer for Our Nation: Pray for unity among our leaders, communities, and churches, that God's love will bring healing.
Daily Prayer for Unity and Love
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the love You’ve poured into our hearts through Christ. Teach us to love one another as You have loved us. In these divisive times, may Your Spirit unite us in peace and compassion. Help us to be agents of change, sowing seeds of love in every conversation and action. We ask for unity across America, that our leaders and citizens would come together with a spirit of understanding and kindness. May Your love reign over our nation.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Watch These Videos for Continued Spiritual Strength
Prayer Power: Repentance and Revival | Pray for 40 Days
📺 📺 Watch: Prayer Power: Repentance and Revival | Pray for 40 Days
Psalm 91 Prayer: A Powerful Blessing for Protection and Peace Over Your Home
📺 📺 Watch: Psalm 91 Prayer: A Powerful Blessing for Protection
Do you have an idea for an inspirational book - a potential bestseller? Contact Inspire Literary Group founder and six-time #1 bestselling author Troy Anderson for a free consultation. Find out more about our editorial services/book ghostwriting company at www.inspireliterary.com. Our team consists of a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter, along with bestselling ghostwriters/collaborators, professional editors, literary agents, entertainment attorneys, and filmmakers.
Your Ultimate Mission Briefing. As the enemy wages war against the Lord's army and the world hurls toward the Second Coming of Christ, God has a unique Kingdom deployment for each of us. Discover more in Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson’s new book Your Mission in God’s Army.
Presidential Reflections:
Presidential Reflections: A Call to Prayer and Repentance
Each day, we draw inspiration from historical figures who called the nation to prayer and repentance during times of great challenge. Today, I’m reflecting on President Andrew Johnson, who, in the wake of President Abraham Lincoln's assassination, issued a Proclamation for a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Mourning. Johnson’s words, spoken at one of the darkest moments in our nation's history, called upon the American people to seek solace in God during this national tragedy.
In his proclamation, Johnson urged the nation to gather in their places of worship on May 25, 1865, to mourn the loss of Lincoln, saying,
I recommend my fellow-citizens then to assemble in their respective places of worship, there to unite in solemn service to Almighty God in memory of the good man who has been removed, so that all shall be occupied at the same time in contemplation of his virtues and in sorrow for his sudden and violent end.
This call to humility and collective prayer reminds us of the unifying power of faith, especially in moments of immense grief and uncertainty. Just as Johnson called on the nation to humble itself before Almighty God in a time of great mourning, we too are reminded that in our own times of sorrow and division, prayer remains a source of comfort and strength.
As we reflect on President Johnson’s appeal, may we be reminded of the importance of seeking God’s guidance and peace during times of national crisis, offering prayers for healing and unity in our own day.
By President Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States: 1865 ‐ 1869
Daily President’s Prayer: President Andrew Johnson’s Proclamation 129—Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Mourning for the Death of President Lincoln, April 25, 1865
A Proclamation
Whereas, by my direction, the Acting Secretary of State, in a notice to the public of the 17th, requested the various religious denominations to assemble on the 19th instant, on the occasion of the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and to observe the same with appropriate ceremonies; but
Whereas our country has become one great house of mourning, where the head of the family has been taken away, and believing that a special period should be assigned for again humbling ourselves before Almighty God, in order that the bereavement may be sanctified to the nation:
Now, therefore, in order to mitigate that grief on earth which can only be assuaged by communion with the Father in heaven, and in compliance with the wishes of Senators and Representatives in Congress, communicated to me by resolutions adopted at the National Capitol, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 25th day of May next, to be observed, wherever in the United States the flag of the country may be respected, as a day of humiliation and mourning, and I recommend my fellow-citizens then to assemble in their respective places of worship, there to unite in solemn service to Almighty God in memory of the good man who has been removed, so that all shall be occupied at the same time in contemplation of his virtues and in sorrow for his sudden and violent end.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, the 25th day of April, A. D. 1865, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
Acting Secretary of State.
You can view the full text of the proclamation on the American Presidency Project: President Andrew Johnson’s Proclamation 129—Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Mourning for the Death of President Lincoln, April 25, 1865
You can also find The prayer in an excerpt from Dr. Larry Keefauver’s Prayers of the Presidents for further reflection.
Explore Deeper Insights: Recommended Bible Prophecy and Christian Living Books
🔮Troy's Treasury Gazette: Explore Enlightening Reads🔮
Before we conclude, I encourage you to explore my bestselling Bible Prophecy and Christian Living books, written by me or co-authored with Pastor Paul Begley, Col. David Giammona, and Dr. Paul McGuire. These include:
The Trump Code – by Troy Anderson
Revelation 911 – by Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson\
Your Mission in God's Army – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
The Military Guide to Disarming Deception – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
The Military Guide to Armageddon – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
Trumpocalypse – by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson
The Babylon Code – by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson
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Perseverance is a key part of the Christian journey. Today, as we pray and intercede for America, let’s commit ourselves to staying faithful and patient, knowing that God is at work even when we cannot see it. Together, let us press on with joy, hope, and unwavering trust in the Lord.
Thank you for your dedication and for standing with us. May God bless and guide you and your family as we persevere together, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.
In Christ’s Service,
Troy Anderson
Pulitzer Prize-Nominated Journalist / Bestselling Author
Founder of Prophecy Investigators
Co-Founder of Revelation Watchers
Founder of the Inspire Literary Group
Author of The Trump Code, Revelation 911 and Your Mission in God’s Army