40 Days to Save America: A Critical Moment for Our Nation – Day 7: A Call to Repentance and Revival
By Troy Anderson, Founder of Prophecy Investigators
Prophecy Investigators' News is a reader-supported publication founded by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson. If you enjoy our articles and videos, consider becoming a paid subscriber. You will receive access to read in-depth articles, watch exclusive interviews and partner in our prophetic mission.
Dear Friends,
As we reach Day 7 of the “40 Days to Save America” campaign, joined by my coauthor of Revelation 911 Pastor Paul Begley, Charisma Media, The Return Co-Founder Rev. Kevin Jessip, Dr. Paul McGuire, Dr. Larry Keefauver, Dr. Bruce Oliver and SkyWatch TV Host Derek Gilbert. let us reflect on the power of repentance and the revival that follows when we humble ourselves before God. Throughout Scripture, we see the transformative impact of repentance. When individuals and nations turn back to God, He offers forgiveness, healing, and restoration. This is not just a time to seek personal change, but to intercede for our nation as we cry out for a collective revival that can only come through divine intervention.
America stands at a crossroads. The challenges we face, from societal division to global instability, require more than political solutions. They demand a spiritual awakening that aligns us with God's heart and His will for this nation. Today, let us come together in prayer, seeking God's mercy and asking for a revival that will sweep across the land.
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Special Feature: The Power of Faith and Action
As we continue with 40 Days to Save America: A Critical Moment for Our Nation – Day 7: A Call to Repentance and Revival, we highlight a powerful message on how faith intersects with our civic duty in today's world. In this video, we explore The Christian Voting Guide: How to Align Your Vote with Biblical Values. Join us as we discuss critical topics such as the differences between Democrats and Republicans, the role of biblical principles in voting, and the importance of seeking godly leadership. Together, we can make informed decisions that align with God's Word during these crucial times.
📺 Watch Prophecy Investigator Founder Troy Anderson’s new video here: Christian Voting Guide: How to Align Your Vote with Biblical Values | Democrats vs. Republicans
Order The Trump Code and Prayers of the Presidents
Equip yourself with deeper insights for this spiritual journey by ordering The Trump Code (Charisma House/FrontLine, September 17, 2024), a #1 bestseller, and Revelation 911, co-authored with Pastor Paul Begley, on Amazon. Also, don’t miss Dr. Larry Keefauver’s Prayers of the Presidents. These books offer prophetic insights and prayers from America’s history, making them essential companions for the "40 Days to Save America" campaign.
Dr. Larry Keefauver’s Prayers of the Presidents
Today's Focus: Repentance and Revival
In our prayers today, let’s ask God to bring deep repentance to the hearts of individuals and leaders across America. The Bible is clear—repentance leads to revival. As we humble ourselves, turn from our sins, and seek God’s face, He promises to hear from heaven and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Here’s how you can join us today:
Pray for National Repentance: Ask God to convict hearts and draw people to Himself, beginning with us. Pray that leaders and citizens alike will repent of their sins and seek God’s forgiveness.
Seek Revival: Pray for a powerful move of God across the nation, igniting a revival that transforms hearts, homes, churches, and communities. May this be a time of spiritual awakening unlike any we’ve ever seen.
Encourage Others: Share the message of repentance and revival with someone today. Whether it’s through a conversation, a prayer, or a verse of encouragement, let’s inspire others to join us in this critical moment.
Watch These Videos for Continued Spiritual Strength
1. Prayer Power: Repentance and Revival | Pray for 40 Days
Biblical significance of these 40 days and offer a powerful prayer for revival and transformation. 📺 Watch: Prayer Power: Repentance and Revival | Pray for 40 Days
2. Psalm 91 Prayer: A Powerful Blessing for Protection and Peace Over Your Home
Pray Psalm 91 over your home for divine protection and peace, seeking God’s covering over your life and family. 📺 Watch: Psalm 91 Prayer: A Powerful Blessing for Protection
Daily Prayer for Repentance and Revival
Heavenly Father, we come before You today with humble hearts, acknowledging our need for Your grace and mercy. We repent of the sins that have drawn us away from You and have brought division and pain to our nation. Lord, we ask for forgiveness, and we turn to You with a renewed commitment to follow Your ways. Pour out Your Spirit upon us, O Lord, and bring revival to this land. May hearts be awakened, and may lives be transformed by Your power. We ask for Your healing, Your guidance, and Your blessing on America. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Pastor Paul Begley's Message: A Call for Revival in America
As part of the ongoing 40 Days to Save America prayer and fasting movement, we are sharing Revelation Watchers Co-Founder Pastor Paul Begley’s powerful prayer for our nation during the Rosh Hashanah season, the Feast of Trumpets. His prayer is a heartfelt call for national repentance and spiritual renewal, asking for God’s blessings, protection, and healing over America. Pastor Begley urges believers to return to God's ways and stand firm in faith as the nation faces unprecedented challenges. This is an invitation for Christians across America to unite in prayer, seeking God’s mercy and divine intervention.
📺 Watch: Pastor Paul Begley’s prayer here: "Now Is The Time" Rosh Hashanah Blessing and 40 Days to Save America
Pastor Paul Begley's Prayer Script:
Are you serious? Are you serious? Praise God. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. As we come into the fall feast season, it's always a great time—a time of God's renewal, His uplifting, and the anointing of the Spirit of God. It's a time to really draw near to God. The Bible says, if you'll draw near to God, He'll draw near to you. Isn't that incredible?
With everything going on in the world today, there are blessings for believers, and I want to tell you about that. But first, let’s start with prayer. As we engage in 40 days of prayer and fasting to save America, let's seek God’s face together.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before You today, grateful for Your love for America. Lord, we thank You for the blessings You have poured out on this nation from sea to shining sea. But we acknowledge, Lord, that we have drifted from Your standards. We have even walked away from the principles of our own Constitution, which was founded on Your Word.
Father, we remember those early pilgrims who got off the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower Compact, dedicating this land to the freedom to worship You. They established a nation for the people, by the people, and of the people. And now, Lord, we humbly ask You to honor our original commitment to You.
But Lord, there are those among us who seek to destroy the foundations, the blessings, and the anointing that You have granted this nation. They are trying to sever the connection we have with You, and they are attempting to dismantle the good things You have given to America.
So today, Lord, we pray with thousands of believers across this country, along with other ministries like Derek Gilbert’s, Skywatch TV, and Kevin Jessip’s The Return movement, who have joined in this 40 days of prayer and fasting. We are united, Lord, calling upon You for mercy and healing.
As we enter into the fall feast season, specifically as we approach Rosh Hashanah tomorrow evening, we lift up America as our primary prayer request. Lord, as the sun sets tomorrow, we offer up our prayers, fasting, and financial offerings to You. We ask You to bless America once again and to stop the enemies of freedom from destroying this land.
Your Word says that if Your people, who are called by Your name, would humble themselves and pray, seek Your face, and turn from their wicked ways, then You would hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. Lord, we are crying out for that healing today.
Father, there are still over a million and a half people without power in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. We pray for those affected, especially in the Big Bend area of Florida, Cedar Key, and the states of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Lord, bring comfort to the families who have lost loved ones, and we ask for strength and protection over the first responders and utility workers trying to restore power and rebuild communities.
Father, we also pray for our nation to repent of its sins and abominations. We have openly paraded sin and blasphemy in Your face. We ask for Your forgiveness and that You would raise up leaders who will stand on the truth of Your Word and bring America back to its foundation of repentance and renewal.
Lord, as we enter Rosh Hashanah and the Day of Atonement, we ask that You would bless this election season, that it would be fair, free, and honest. We ask that You save America once again. Bless Your people as they seek Your face and prepare for the spiritual significance of the fall feasts. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen and Amen.
Thank you for joining me in this prayer. Now is the time—now is the moment. Tomorrow evening begins the Feast of Trumpets, and it’s a great time to reflect on God’s blessings. As Christians, we’re not under the law anymore, but we don’t want to miss the blessings that God has in store for us.
We need to be ready, and I always wonder—could this be the season of the Rapture? We don’t know the day or the hour, but we can see the day approaching. God wants to bless us during this time, and it’s up to us to receive it by acknowledging and participating in this feast season.
Let’s stay strong in faith and walk in the blessings of God. Amen and Amen."
Breaking News and Prophecy Update: "Urgent Events Unfolding"
In this urgent prophecy update, Pastor Paul Begley covers breaking news regarding significant global events that align with biblical prophecy. From earthquakes and natural disasters to escalating tensions in the Middle East, Pastor Begley highlights how these developments point to the fulfillment of end-times prophecies. With his signature enthusiasm, Pastor Begley urges viewers to stay vigilant, seek spiritual preparedness, and recognize the signs of the times as described in the Bible.
"This is a time we've got to really intercede and pray for peace in the Middle East and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. You will prosper if you do." — Pastor Paul Begley
Scripture Quoted:
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come." — Joel 2:31
📺 Watch Now: Breaking News and Prophecy Update
Stay informed and spiritually ready as these critical events continue to unfold.
Presidential Reflections
Each day we draw inspiration from historical figures who called the nation to prayer and repentance during times of great challenge. Today, we reflect on the prayer offered by President John Adams’ 2nd prayer..
Daily President’s Prayer: President John Adams’ -Proclamation—Recommending a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer - March 06, 1799
By President John Adams, 2nd President of the United States: 1797 ‐ 1801
A Proclamation
As no truth is more clearly taught in the Volume of Inspiration, nor any more fully demonstrated by the experience of all ages, than that a deep sense and a due acknowledgment of the governing providence of a Supreme Being and of the accountableness of men to Him as the searcher of hearts and righteous distributer of rewards and punishments are conducive equally to the happiness and rectitude of individuals and to the well-being of communities; as it is also most reasonable in itself that men who are made capable of social acts and relations, who owe their improvements to the social state, and who derive their enjoyments from it, should, as a society, make their acknowledgments of dependence and obligation to Him who hath endowed them with these capacities and elevated them in the scale of existence by these distinctions; as it is likewise a plain dictate of duty and a strong sentiment of nature that in circumstances of great urgency and seasons of imminent danger earnest and particular supplications should be made to Him who is able to defend or to destroy; as, moreover, the most precious interests of the people of the United States are still held in jeopardy by the hostile designs and insidious acts of a foreign nation, as well as by the dissemination among them of those principles, subversive of the foundations of all religious, moral, and social obligations, that have produced incalculable mischief and misery in other countries; and as, in fine, the observance of special seasons for public religious solemnities is happily calculated to avert the evils which we ought to deprecate and to excite to the performance of the duties which we ought to discharge by calling and fixing the attention of the people at large to the momentous truths already recited, by affording opportunity to teach and inculcate them by animating devotion and giving to it the character of a national act:
For these reasons I have thought proper to recommend, and I do hereby recommend accordingly, that Thursday, the 25th day of April next, be observed throughout the United States of America as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer; that the citizens on that day abstain as far as may be from their secular occupations, devote the time to the sacred duties of religion in public and in private; that they call to mind our numerous offenses against the Most High God, confess them before Him with the sincerest penitence, implore His pardoning mercy, through the Great Mediator and Redeemer, for our past transgressions, and that through the grace of His Holy Spirit we may be disposed and enabled to yield a more suitable obedience to His righteous requisitions in time to come; that He would interpose to arrest the progress of that impiety and licentiousness in principle and practice so offensive to Himself and so ruinous to mankind; that He would make us deeply sensible that "righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people;" that He would turn us from our transgressions and turn His displeasure from us; that He would withhold us from unreasonable discontent, from disunion, faction, sedition, and insurrection; that He would preserve our country from the desolating sword; that He would save our cities and towns from a repetition of those awful pestilential visitations under which they have lately suffered so severely, and that the health of our inhabitants generally may be precious in His sight; that He would favor us with fruitful seasons and so bless the labors of the husbandman as that there may be food in abundance for man and beast; that He would prosper our commerce, manufactures, and fisheries, and give success to the people in all their lawful industry and enterprise; that He would smile on our colleges, academies, schools, and seminaries of learning, and make them nurseries of sound science, morals, and religion; that He would bless all magistrates, from the highest to the lowest, give them the true spirit of their station, make them a terror to evil doers and a praise to them that do well; that He would preside over the councils of the nation at this critical period, enlighten them to a just discernment of the public interest, and save them from mistake, division, and discord; that He would make succeed our preparations for defense and bless our armaments by land and by sea; that He would put an end to the effusion of human blood and the accumulation of human misery among the contending nations of the earth by disposing them to justice, to equity, to benevolence, and to peace; and that he would extend the blessings of knowledge, of true liberty, and of pure and undefiled religion throughout the world.
And I do also recommend that with these acts of humiliation, penitence, and prayer fervent thanksgiving to the Author of All Good be united for the countless favors which He is still continuing to the people of the United States, and which render their condition as a nation eminently happy when compared with the lot of others.
Given etc.
Here is the link to President John Adams’ Proclamation—Recommending a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer
You can also find The prayer in an excerpt from Dr. Larry Keefauver’s Prayers of the Presidents for further reflection.
A Prayer for Divine Guidance and Protection Over President Donald Trump, JD Vance, Their Families, and Team
Heavenly Father,
We humbly seek Your covering over President Donald Trump, JD Vance, their families, and their team. Fill them with Your divine wisdom and strength as they face the challenges ahead. May they walk in Your truth, making decisions guided by Your hand, and may they find peace in Your presence through every trial. Protect their hearts from discouragement and their paths from the snares of the enemy.
Grant them unity, Father, and let their leadership reflect Your grace and righteousness. May they lead with humility and courage, seeking to honor You in every step they take. Surround them with wise counsel and unwavering faith as they work for the good of this nation and for Your greater glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
How to Participate in the "40 Days to Save America" Campaign
For more details and to sign up, visit here: 40 Days to Save America: A Critical Moment for Our Nation.
Partnering Ministries & Organizations
As we continue our “40 Days to Save America” campaign, we invite churches, ministries, and organizations across the country to join us in this powerful movement of prayer, fasting, and repentance. Together, we can create a wave of intercession that impacts America’s future.
Become a Partner: If your ministry or organization would like to join us, receive daily prayers, and gain access to exclusive content and media updates, please contact Prophecy Investigators Founder Troy Anderson at troyanderson.writer@gmail.com or 949-887-1511. We will add you to our list of partners and feature your website in our newsletters reaching hundreds of thousands of people.
Faith Leaders and Ministries Partnership
We thank the faith leaders and ministries who have joined us in this urgent call to prayer and fasting. For details, please see our latest newsletter, 40 Days to Save America: A Critical Moment for Our Nation - Day 5: Walking in Faith, Trusting in God's Sovereignty. Their support is vital as we continue to intercede for America. Stand with us in faith and help spread the message of hope by becoming a partner today!
Explore Deeper Insights: Recommended Bible Prophecy and Christian Living Books
🔮Troy's Treasury Gazette: Explore Enlightening Reads🔮
Before we conclude, I encourage you to explore my bestselling Bible Prophecy and Christian Living books, written by me or co-authored with Pastor Paul Begley, Col. David Giammona, or Dr. Paul McGuire. These include:
The Trump Code – by Troy Anderson
Revelation 911 – by Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson\
Your Mission in God's Army – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
The Military Guide to Disarming Deception – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
The Military Guide to Armageddon – by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
Trumpocalypse – by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson
The Babylon Code – by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson
Stay Updated with News & Daily Encouragement
As part of our nationwide “40 Days to Save America” campaign, Charisma Media is publishing articles, and our company the Inspire PR Agency is promoting The Trump Code and the campaign. Stay connected for exclusive content and interviews from Revelation Watchers, Prophecy Investigators, Battle Ready News, Inspire Literary Group, Troy Anderson’s Blog and more.
Sign Up to Receive Daily Prayers and Encouragement: Join our movement by signing up for daily prayers, updates, and encouragement across all our partner newsletters. Though each newsletter typically features unique content, the same daily messages and prayers will be shared during this important campaign.
May God bless you, and may He bless the United States of America.
If you would like to support my evangelistic endeavors and help continue the mission of bringing biblical prophecy, investigative journalism, and the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world, please consider contributing here.
In Christ’s Service,
Troy Anderson
Pulitzer Prize-Nominated Journalist
Founder of Prophecy Investigators
Author of The Trump Code, Revelation 911 and Your Mission in God’s Army